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What we spend and how we spend it

Financial Information

Budget of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

All anticipated revenue source

Budget allocated to North Wales Police

Planned Precept and Responses from Police and Crime Panel

Medium Term Financial Plans which includes the Draft Precept, Financial Planning and Reserve Strategy

Council Tax Leaflet

 Capital Strategy (including the Treasury Management)

Statement of Accounts

The Accounts and Audit (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 require us to publish draft statements of accounts for 2023/24 by 31 May 2024 and audited final statements of accounts by 31 July 2024, or to publish an explanatory statement.

As permitted under the Regulations, the timetables for the 2023/24 accounts preparation and audit have been extended.  The draft statements of accounts will be published here by 30 June 2024, and the audited final statements of accounts will be published following the Joint Audit Committee meeting which is scheduled to take place on 31 October 2024.


All expenditure over £500 (these have been procured in accordance with the Police and Crime Commissioner's Financial Regulations to ensure value for money).

Publication of Payment Performance Statistics

Public sector bodies are required to provide statistics showing our payment performance in relation to suppliers of goods and services:

As part of our commitment to ethical supply chains, our statistics for the current year are provided here.

Previous statistics are available here:-



Commissioning, Contracts, tendering, procurement and grants


Pay and Grading structure

Senior Salaries

The ratio highest paid member of staff : median pay of the OPCC = 1:2.35

Post Profiles


Audited Accounts

Auditors opinions

Auditors reports

Annual Accounting statement 

Statement of Accounts

Joint Audit Committee Annual Reports