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Innovate to Grow

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin’s Innovate to Grow scheme targets and invests in projects dealing with the root causes of crime across North Wales, especially ones that offer new and innovative ideas of preventing and tackling wrongdoing.

The initiative complements the priorities within the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan, as well as his Community Oriented Police Service (COPS) approach to serve all communities across North Wales. Examples of initiatives that could be eligible for support under the scheme include those covering youth services, early intervention, and adverse childhood experiences; drug, alcohol and substance misuse services; and organisations working to combat domestic abuse, sexual violence, and violence against women and girls.

Mr Dunbobbin has allocated £75,000 to the scheme to support projects for up to one year throughout the 2024-2025 financial year, with the main focus being on innovation. A maximum of £5,000 will be available for each project; however, should the project be delivered across two or more counties, a maximum of £10,000 will be offered.

To be eligible for funding, applicants must complete an application form and to be considered by the panel the application form must align to one of the Commissioners key themes. All organisations will need to ensure they have a Safeguarding and/or Child Protection, Welsh Language, Equal Opportunities and Social Value policy in place and how they will be integrating these areas into the delivery of the project. All applications must include an exit strategy due to the funding only being available for 1 year. In addition, it is preferred that project includes an element of match funding however this is not essential.


The grant cannot be used to fund an individual, organisations established to make profit, or work that statutory bodies (such as schools or local authorities) have a duty to fund. However, applications from Local Authorities will be determined on a case-by-case basis and business cases must include an element of match funding for funding to be considered by the senior management team. Applications will not be considered from Local government, prisons, NHS bodies, projects that take place outside of the UK.

Innovate to Grow documentation:

 Please click on the links below to learn more on Innovate to Grow and how you can submit an application: