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Your Community, Your Choice 2021 results


The Your Community, Your Choice initiative for 2021 has now closed and we are proud to report that a total of 32,655 votes had been cast. Thank you to everyone who submitted an application or took the time to vote. Please see below for a full run-down of this year's winners:

Anglesey - Llangefni Rugby Club - Security fencing project (awarded £2,500)

“The aim of this project is to erect a security fence around the perimeter of the rugby club grounds to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone who use our facilities. The club has had a dog fouling problem for years and has tried to address the issue with notices and repairs to broken fences to discourage this activity. “We also have ongoing issues with young people trespassing and causing damage to storage facilities and supporters stand. We regularly have to inspect the playing fields for broken glass, stones and litter and have experienced evidence of drug usage in one of our storage buildings. Funding will enable the club to increase safety of our facilities for the benefit of the whole community.”

Conwy -  St David’s Hospice - Youth Volunteer Program (awarded £2,500)

"We would like to establish a program aiming to recruit young volunteers. We feel that this will bring numerous benefits to the local community as well as the individuals themselves, as we would expect these young people to become far less likely to engage in criminal activity having found the personal benefits of making a positive contribution to their local community. "St David’s Hospice could not function without volunteers. From staffing our charity shops and cafes, to assisting us at a variety of events, to volunteering in our inpatient units, the time and skills that our volunteers donate to us is invaluable. "This grant would fund IT equipment which will enable our team to communicate effectively from any location, as well as facilitating giving presentations where required. We would also use this funding to purchase polo shirts for our new volunteers, which bring a sense of belonging to their wearers."

Denbighshire -  Llanferres Playing Field and Recreation Association - Park repair project (awarded £2,500)

"Llanferres PFRA is community led volunteer run charity that has for 22 ye"ars been managing maintaining and fund raising to support the village and surrounding area. "The funding request is to contribute to our costs for the development works and maintenance and upkeep of our valuable community resource. This will enable us to keep the park and playground open and is focussed on sustaining a strong community spirit and instilling a sense of responsibility in the community especially the young people in the area."

Flintshire -  Penyffordd/Penymynydd War Memorial - Music Room Project (awarded £2,500)

“The Penyffordd & Penymynydd War Memorial Institute (WMI) building is a facility used regularly by many local organisations, catering for a wide range of interests and age groups. In recent years, the number of organisations offering music-based activities has increased markedly.“The grant is for a contribution towards the cost of purchasing and fitting out a shipping container to serve as a secure store.  The key output from this secure storage project is that it then enables work to commence in re-purposing the garage as a music room. This project will enable the institute to create a permanent, dedicated music room for the community to use.”

Gwynedd -  Caernarfon Cricket Club - Damaged Artificial Pitch Repair project (awarded £2,500)

“Caernarfon Cricket Club was established in 2015 following a successful meeting which saw over 25 local people from the Caernarfon area attend. It had been over 20 years since a Cricket team was last in the Caernarfon area. The main aim of the club is to give young people an opportunity to try something new and be a part of a growing club and community.“In March 2020 we suffered a deliberate fire on the artificial pitch which has caused large damage and the pitch is now unplayable. The prospect of no artificial pitch can have a detrimental effect on the future of the cricket club. The club need the Artificial Pitch to continue the development of cricket in the Caernarfon area. “This funding would help the club repair the damages of the artificial pitch and allow all future competitions to go ahead plus the continue development of the club in the community.”

Wrexham -  Brymbo Cricket Club - Brymbo Community Cricket Scheme (awarded £2,500)

“By developing this project, we are  seeking to work with Police and Schools to address problems of anti-social behaviour in the local community by offering free cricket sessions at Brymbo Cricket Club to pupils aged between 8 and 14, from TWELVE SCHOOLS within the local community  during the afternoons of school summer term. "Funding will support the cost of transport for the youngsters from and back to schools together with refreshments to pupils during the sessions, and a cricket tournament will be organised for all participating schools at end of the sessions and we will provide certificates, awards and  trophies to pupils."

Pan-North Wales -  Youth Shedz Cymru - Youth Shed Mobile Outreach project (awarded £5,000)

“It is envisaged that this detached youth work approach will have a positive impact on anti-social behaviour in the communities that we visit. This approach will also benefit rural communities where young people may not have access to services like those living in towns and cities. The mobile Youth Shedz project will also provide a space for young people to connect with services and be sign posted to services that they may need. “Over the past 3 years we have successfully set up Youth Shedz in three counties - Denbighshire, Conwy and Gwynedd and have found ways of engaging young people that has had an impact on anti-social behaviour. Using our Mobile Youth Shed vehicle we would be take Youth Shedz to the streets and run activities such as bicycle repair workshops, provide hot food and drinks and use our Virtual Reality equipment as a way to engage young people.“This mobile approach will also benefit rural communities where young people may not have access to services like those living in towns and cities and will provide a space for young people to connect with services and be sign posted to services that they may need. With the current situation regarding Covid 19 this will also create safe opportunities to engage young people outdoors.”