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4x4 Response Wales helping to support emergency services & communities in North Wales


4x4 Response

On November 21, Deputy North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Wayne Jones, High Sheriff of Clwyd Kate Hill-Trevor, and High Sherriff of Gwynedd Janet Phillips met some of the team from North Wales 4x4 Response at their base at Wern Ddu Quarry, in Gwyddelwern, Denbighshire. They were there to inspect the group’s new Community Support Trailer (CST) and to learn more about how money from the Your Community, Your Choice fund is being used to help support the emergency services in responding to incidents.

The Your Community, Your Choice fund supports grass-roots projects and is supported by the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales Police and Community Trust (PACT) and North Wales Police (NWP). The funding for Your Community, Your Choice comes partly from money seized by the courts through the Proceeds of Crime Act, with the rest from the Police and Crime Commissioner.

4x4 Response Wales is a voluntary organisation providing a range of support to the emergency services during extreme weather or other events which impact on vulnerable communities. These services include provision of 4x4 vehicles and drivers, transport of critical supplies including food, water and medicine, evacuation of members of the public, other services which can release personnel from the Police and other emergency services. All to help the efficiency of the Police and other emergency services at the scene.

However, the capacity of the North Wales 4x4 Response team to provide these services was previously hindered in areas where communications and power had been disrupted. The project funded by Your Community, Your Choice has helped solve this by providing funding for the Community Support Trailer, giving vital logistical support to communities, the Police and other emergency services.  

The CST can be readily set up at remote or hard to access locations, as well as at village community centres, churches, public and private car parks. The trailer provides a community focal point for 240V power supplies, mobile phone and laptop re-charging, satellite wi-fi and radio communications in a secure and sheltered base. To provide welfare services, the trailer has fresh water and hot drinks facility, first aid and AED, an on-board computer and multiple control stations. Controllers are able to operate phone and radio communications, vehicle and responder tracking systems and a 24/7/365 public incoming emergency telephone exchange from the safety of the trailer.

While at Wern Ddu, the Deputy PCC and High Sheriffs saw some off-road driver training and heard a short presentation on the trailer systems, including seeing meals being cooked, learnt more about 4x4 Response Wales, and met and talked with volunteers alongside their vehicles and equipment. Following this, the group travelled by 4x4 vehicles to the upper quarry lookout with views high over the Dee Valley and saw some casualty first-on-scene training high in the quarry on the way.

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Wayne Jones said: “It was great to visit 4x4 Response and to see the outstanding work they do to support the emergency services to keep members of the public safe. It’s important that communities come together to provide help to emergency services where necessary and safe to do so. We all appreciate the work that members of the North Wales 4x4 Response team do on behalf of the public of North Wales.”

Robin Hugo, CST Project Manager for the North Wales 4x4 Response Team, said: "We are very grateful to the PCC and PACT for providing the initial funding for the CST and to our members for providing the balance of the money required. The team has worked hard since April to design and procure the trailer and all the necessary equipment and to complete the installation and commissioning work by the end of September date set by the PCC and PACT.  And not to forget the many businesses that provided us with free or heavily discounted equipment and materials to help keep us to our budget. We look forward to using the CST to assist North Wales Police, the Emergency Planning Officers and other emergency services in support of the North Wales community.”

North Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Chris Allsop said: "Police Officers can face many difficult situations during the course of their duties and knowing that 4x4 Response and the Community Support Trailer are on hand to help when needed is hugely appreciated. I am pleased that the Your Community, Your Choice fund was able to further support them in their work.”

PACT Chairman Ashley Rogers said: "Your Community, Your Choice and PACT are both focused on supporting our communities and people coming together to make a difference, and North Wales 4x4 Response is an excellent example of this in action. I am delighted we were able to assist them in delivering their Community Support Trailer and I look forward to seeing the difference it will make to the Police, our other emergency services and the people of the area.”

Your Community, Your Choice is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2023 and, over the past ten years, a total of over £500,000 has been awarded to more than 150 projects working to reduce crime in their areas and to support the priorities in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. The latest application period is now open and to make an application visit:

For more information on 4x4 Response Wales, visit: