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Egg-cellent North Wales Police Cadets thanked for service to the community



North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin recently visited North Wales Volunteer Police Cadets at the Force’s Llay Eastern Divisional Headquarters near Wrexham to present each of them with an Easter Egg. The present was to thank them for their commitment and hard work on behalf of the residents of the region.

Volunteer Police Cadets (VPC) are a nationally recognised police uniformed youth group. The purpose of the VPC is to encourage the spirit of adventure and good citizenship. A Police Cadet is a young person from any background who wants to gain an understanding of policing and support their local community in line with current Policing priorities. The VPC encourages young people to develop life skills, meet new friends and achieve transferable qualifications.

The cadets at Llay for the presentation were from the East and Wrexham unit of the VPC and ranged in age from 13 to 17. While Mr Dunbobbin visited this particular Unit to present the eggs in person, all cadets across North Wales – who number more than 100 – have received one.

After an inspection of the Unit accompanied by Detective Constable (and Unit Leader) James Duffy of North Wales Police, the PCC discussed his role with the cadets. The cadets were interested in hearing about his day-to-day activities, what he finds most enjoyable about the position of PCC, as well as the political nature of job, which is elected by the people of North Wales. During the discussion he highlighted the words of Sir Robert Peel, the founder of modern policing, that: “The police are the public and the public are the police”.

Andy Dunbobbin, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, commented: “The residents of North Wales can be rightly proud of the Volunteer Police Cadets we have in the region, who give up their free time and energy tirelessly in the service of their community. I can already see from my visit to the Unit in Llay that they are model citizens, and I am sure they will prove equally good officers should they eventually choose to join the police. It was a pleasure to give each of them an Easter Egg as a small token of my appreciation for their hard work and to wish them and their families a very happy Easter.”

DC James Duffy, North Wales Police, commented: “It is incredibly kind of the PCC to recognise the hard work of the Police Cadets with this gift of an Easter Egg to each of them. The cadets have been involved in many initiatives across Wexham, such as the recent Knife Angel project as well as in a wide variety of the civic and social events that make up life in the city. It was a pleasure to welcome the PCC to meet the Unit and to discuss his role.”

Prior to the event, the cadets were unaware that they would receive a gift from the PCC and Steffan Lea, 15, Senior Cadet from Wrexham said: “I found the PCC coming quite exciting, as it was a surprise that he had got us all Easter Eggs and I am sure we will all enjoy eating them over Easter.”

A number of the Police Cadets spoke of their own motivations and experience of the Volunteer Police Cadets.

Encouraging other teenagers to join as Police Cadets, Brooke Blake-Haines, 14, Junior Cadet from Wrexham, said: “I thought the Police Cadets would give me more confidence in my understanding of the police and how to help the community as I want to join the Force eventually. I think more people should join the Police Cadets as it’s an amazing opportunity to be able to express what you want to do later on.”

Speaking about what he gains from being in the VPC, Heath Lloyd-Greenall, 17, Senior Volunteer Police Cadet, also of Wrexham added: “I have always wanted to join the police, so I thought this would bring me that step closer and gain a brighter understanding of policing as a whole. I have also always wanted to help out in the community, and I do a lot of volunteering outside of cadets. I’ve found it’s helped a lot in terms of building confidence and teamwork.”

Citizens in Policing Co-ordinator, Andrew Harris, commented: “Young people are sometimes portrayed in a bad light.  The North Wales Police Cadet scheme shows the positive contribution teenagers can make within the community.  The gesture of an Easter egg from the PCC shows the appreciation for the fantastic and positive work they undertake on behalf of their communities.

“Our Police Cadets are a diverse group of young people aged between 13 and 18 yrs across North Wales, who have a desire to support their local communities, as well as gain a practical understanding of policing.  Supported by our fantastic volunteers who dedicate their own time to help the young people on their journey through life.

“Cadets get a great insight into the police and the work we do, gaining and developing communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, as well as much more.

“North Wales Police is currently recruiting cadets. If any young people in North Wales are interested or intrigued about cadets, I urge them to look into Police Cadets and find out more.”

The Volunteer Police Cadets are currently recruiting for new members and the public can find out more about joining at:

For more information visit: