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Making a difference for my community as a North Wales Police Young Ambassador


Young Ambassador Programme

Rebecca Jackson lives near Caernarfon and has been a Young Ambassador with North Wales Police since May 2023. The scheme launched to encourage young people aged between 16 and 24 to step forward and ensure their voices are heard on policing matters by the Force.

The young people all live in the area and inform and support police on matters involving young people and have their say on policing and crime where they live. In this article, Rebecca talks about her experience as a Young Ambassador and why other young people should consider getting involved.

“The North Wales Young Ambassador programme is a scheme where a diverse range of young people across North Wales get to express their perspectives and opinions about policing.

I have been a volunteer with a local youth club since 2022. During my time as a volunteer, I gained an insight into some of the issues that affect young people today. Applying for the Young Ambassador programme was the next step forward in being further involved within my community and enabling me to represent the voices of a wide variety of young people around me.

Every six weeks, a varied group of 13 Young Ambassadors meet up with Sergeant Beth Jones, Inspector Marc Roberts, and other police staff at the North Wales Police Headquarters in Colwyn Bay. Ambassadors come from all walks of life and if someone has had problems with offending or other things in the past, this does not prevent them from being a part of the programme. In fact, different backgrounds and life experiences are welcomed.

We engage in in-depth and sometimes contentious conversations that look at a wide range of matters relating to young people today. These can include the relationship between the police and young people, how young people could be a positive influence on the police, and how policing could be improved and make even more of a positive difference. We have also looked at how young people in the area are treated in custody, drugs, mental health, and other things that we want to learn about policing.

We also discuss our own personal experiences with the police and if they were positive or negative and how the police could improve their relationship with young people. We also participate in group activities to get to know each other better and build relationships. In these meetings we usually split into groups and come up with our own questions to ask young people about their opinions of the police. We have also had the chance to create questionnaires to distribute to young people across North Wales to gather information about the matters that affect them.

Attending these meetings has not only taught me about how policing works but has also enabled me to develop relationships with my peers and likeminded people. I have gained many different skills, such as communication techniques, confidence, learning about the different roles of the police and many more! We have also had the opportunity to visit Custody with the programme which was an eye-opening experience. This programme has given me many amazing experiences, friendships, and the wish to work further alongside the police.

The Young Ambassador programme truly highlights North Wales Police’s dedication and commitment to making sure young people are looked after and acknowledged. The support given to me by the police has been a significant factor in bolstering my confidence and self-esteem. It is extremely empowering to know that my efforts are recognised and valued. But I also think police could approach young people in a different way. Sometimes I think that the police can stereotype young people and think that they all behave the same, and I think that is something the police could improve. Young people might feel like they cannot trust the police and that the police are not approachable, this is something I think officers could work on.

Participating in this programme has also given me the confidence to apply for a position as a Modern Apprentice in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales. This will hopefully also give me the skills necessary on my journey towards eventually working for North Wales Police.

One of my fellow Young Ambassadors said: “I would definitely recommend doing the Young Ambassador Programme, as it has really benefited me being able to put this on my UCAS application, but it has also helped me develop new ideas of the police and how they want to help young people and how they want to improve the police force”.

Being a member of the Young Ambassador programme has given me an insight to how the police can be a positive influence in the community through listening to the opinions of the members. I hope that many other young people will get the chance to take part. My motivation is rooted in a strong desire to make a difference in our community. By becoming a young ambassador for North Wales Police, you too can make a difference.”

To learn more about the Young Ambassadors programme, visit: