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PCC awards community heroes making a difference


PCC Awards 2023

The North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Awards Ceremony took place on Thursday, June 1 to celebrate the people in our communities across the region who help serve their communities and support the police in their work.

The event took place at the Quay Hotel and Spa in Deganwy and saw over 100 guests come together from across the general public, police, emergency services, local and national politics, charities, and the wider third sector in North Wales.

The awards recognise the often-unsung local heroes who work in the background to support victims, support rehabilitation and reduce the likelihood and impact of crime across the region. The nomination process saw police officers, staff, and volunteers from North Wales Police put forward suggestions of people they have worked with in the community as winners.

Each award category was sponsored by businesses and organisations working in North Wales. Each company donated £250 to be given to the winner specifically to enable them to invest and further build on their hard work in the community. Each winner’s name was engraved, along with the sponsor’s, on the special glass trophy presented for each award category by the Commissioner.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin, commented: “The people and organisations recognised in my Community Awards have gone beyond the expected, they have gone the extra mile to help, to support people, to champion justice, to bring peace to families, to reduce crime, to counsel and to be there. I thank all of them for their service, their effort and their care. Our communities are all the richer, and all the stronger, for their work.”

The full list of winners

Rural and Wildlife Champion – Award sponsored by the Farmers’ Union of Wales – Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru

Tir Dewi – North Wales Team

Tir Dewi are an organisation working within the rural community, offering advice and support to farmers and farmers’ families. This support covers different types of issues including practical advice, or peer support in respect of mental health, bereavement or isolation.

Llinos Angharad Owen, Communications and Fundraising Manager for North Wales, Tir Dewi; and Ceinwen Parry, Farm Clubs Leader, Tir Dewi commented: “Winning and receiving this recognition is a great honour not only for us but also for Tir Dewi as a charity. Working in partnership with the Rural Crime Team has provided a special opportunity in terms of working together and creating a very close relationship in terms of providing assistance and supporting the agricultural community. Hopefully this partnership will continue for years to come.”

Safer Community Award – Award sponsored by Spillane & Co.

John Widdowson and Wrexham AFC Community Trust

As part of a wider Safer Streets initiative for Wrexham, Wrexham AFC Community Trust have been working with Wrexham County Borough Council and North Wales Police to deliver a series of initiatives that seek to address young person-related anti-social behaviour on Match Day and associated Town Centre anti-social behaviour.

Volunteer Award – Award sponsored by PMAS

North Wales Mountain Rescue Association

The nine member teams of NWMRA do an enormous service to residents and visitors in the region. In the last financial year, the region’s volunteer rescue teams answered 628 callouts. Almost 22,000 hours of volunteer team member time were dedicated to these callouts.

Tim Radford, Chair, North Wales Mountain Rescue Association, said: “The North Wales Mountain Rescue Association represents the nine voluntary mountain, lowland, cave, and dog teams across North Wales. We are the busiest region in the country, with 300 members that provide a completely voluntary search and rescue service on behalf of North Wales Police, with whom we have an excellent relationship.

“We are very proud to have been recognised by the PCC for our work over the years. This award is for all our members, from administrators, tea makers and trainers to those who brave harsh environments at all hours and in any weather to help those in need.”

Volunteer Award – Award sponsored by Llandudno Pier

Nina Roberts

Nina faced the very worst nightmare of any mother when she lost her daughter Alice to suicide, but she was determined in the memory of her daughter to help others by improving awareness and support available to the families left behind. Nina started Enfys Alice as her way of putting something back into the community.

Nina Roberts said: “Losing my daughter Alice to suicide was beyond devastating. Life can – and did – change in a split second. Even when the worst happens, we have a choice about how we face it. I chose to make a difference. 

“I wanted to help others, work with my community to prevent suicides and, when they did happen, to ensure no one ever had to face it on their own. To show there could still be hope in the worst of circumstances. I am so proud to receive this award as Alice's mum and I am especially proud to receive it as a team member of MonSAR. We are truly grateful for the recognition of helping others.”

Victim’s Champion Award – Award sponsored by Unite the Union

Paul Williams  

While out shopping Paul Williamswas witness to an offence against a young victim. Without hesitation, Paul challenged and apprehended the suspect. He told the suspect what he had witnessed and brought him to security where the police were called.  The suspect was subsequently arrested.

Paul Williams commented: ‘’I am pleased to be receiving this award as it was totally unexpected. I just did what I felt was right at the time and I am glad it was helpful.’’

Community Champion Award – Award sponsored by No1 CopperPot Credit Union

Daniel Andrews, Head Coach, Rhyl Boxing Club

Daniel Andrews is one of the lead coaches at long-established Rhyl Youth Boxing Club. The club is based among some of the most deprived communities in North Wales and has provided a place for vulnerable young people to attend to give them focus, get fit and bring some discipline and structure into their lives.

Daniel Andrews said: “While this award is being presented to me, it will be shared with all the other coaches at the gym because without their help I couldn’t have won. 

“It’s also an award which I can share with past coaches, such as Paddy Kenny the founder of the club back in 1958, who is no longer with us; because without him there would be no Rhyl Youth Boxing Club. Also, Mr Ken Coulton, again no longer with us, and Mike Eccleston who were my coaches from the age of 14. Without their guidance and teaching of respect and discipline, I truly believe I could have ended up on the wrong side of the police. So, I have a lot to thank them for and it is also the reason I will always do my utmost to ensure the young people of Rhyl have a club that they can attend, and hopefully I can help them to stay on the right path.” 

Anti-Slavery Champion – Award sponsored by ClwydAlyn

Ali Ussery – Haven of Light

Ali has been a constant beacon and relentlessly active when it comes to understanding and tackling modern slavery and trafficking in North Wales. With many years of experience in international development work, she brought her expertise home to North Wales in 2013 helping to support and develop a new strategic modern slavery plan for the area. 

Ali Ussery commented: "Modern slavery is a terrible crime that has a devastating effect on the lives of millions of men, women, and children around the world. It is difficult to accept an award when we are seeing the number of people being abused in forced labour, sexual exploitation and other forms of abuse continue to rise. Having been active in the anti-slavery arena in North Wales for the past ten years, I believe that it is very important that we work together to prevent this abuse, raise awareness and care for those affected. I am very grateful to the PCC for this recognition."

Young People’s Award – Award sponsored by Clogau

Penysarn Youth Club

Penysarn Youth Club is a small rural youth club with around 40 members aged between 11-19.  Supported by active and keen leaders, the club facilitates many different opportunities and activities for the young people who attend. 

Carol Whitaker, Youth Leader, Penysarn Youth Club said: “Winning this award for us as a small rural club is acknowledgement of the commitment and hard work that the young people undertake week-in, week-out. We are proud of our young people and the dedication they show to the club. This award will help to boost their confidence and recognise their hard work. We hope that it will help them continue to widen their horizons and go on to achieve their full potential in life.”

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Award – Award sponsored by the Deganwy Quay Hotel and Spa


The GISDA LGBTQ+ Youth Club has been running since 2017. The club was established as a meeting place for young LGBTQ+ people to feel safe, comfortable and happy. It is a place where they can support each other, express themselves freely, and identify with others. 

Stacey Roebuck, Team Leader, LGBTQ+ Project said: “We’re very proud to be recognised for our work in helping to create safe space for young LGBTQ+ people. We really appreciate the Commissioner’s support and are excited to come together with other winners to celebrate the good work taking place in communities across North Wales.”

Special Recognition Award

Helga Uckermann

Helga Uckermann, who sadly died earlier this year was well-known and respected for her work with North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association, where she had a key role in promoting and empowering the voice of those who face disadvantage through disability, illness, age or social exclusion.

Helga Uckermann’s husband, Graham Heathorn, said: “Everything Helga did in her lifetime was never for recognition, but she felt it was her duty, and everyone else's, to stand up and be counted! And so she did!

“To protect our environment, give equality to everyone whatever your race, sexual orientation, gender, mental or physical capacity. She hated any injustice of any kind and refused to even watch a film if the wrong person was accused!

“I was, and am, immensely proud of all the work Helga achieved, not just at NWAAA with her self-advocacy groups but throughout her career and her personal life, as she had such a huge impact on so many people.

“Living with Helga for 20 years, I would like to think that some of her has rubbed off on me and that I'm a better person for knowing her. I am so proud to accept this award on her behalf of the recognition she richly deserves. Thank You.”