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PCC comment on standards within the Metropolitan Police


Andy Dunbobbin

On the publication of Baroness Casey’s report into standards and culture within the Metropolitan Police, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin, has made the following comment:

“Today’s report into the Metropolitan Police’s culture and standards from Baroness Casey has rightly been met with concern from both the public and those within the police service. It is now right that the Met reflects on the findings and acts accordingly to regain the confidence of Londoners. High standards and a culture that fosters openness, transparency and a commitment to public service are vital to our tradition of policing by consent. Within North Wales, I recently published a report looking at the prevalence of cases of misogyny in the Force, the numbers of cases under investigation and the measures in place to protect the public and ensure the correct vetting of officers. I am reassured to see the Force is acting to combat misogyny, but there is always more we can do to ensure the highest standards are met. The majority of officers strive every day to do the right thing and serve their communities, but I am determined to hold the police to account and will work with the Chief Constable and senior officers to ensure the measures they are putting in place make a difference. We must all do everything we can to make sure the people of North Wales have confidence in the officers and staff who are there to serve and protect us all.”