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PCC meets Girlguiding group funding winners in Anglesey


Girlguiding Anglesey (1)

On the evening of June 21, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Andy Dunbobbin visited Girlguiding Anglesey at their centre in Penrhoslligwy to learn more about the group and their activities and how funding allocated from the PCC’s Your Community, Your Choice initiative will be used for the benefit of the young people of the island.

Your Community, Your Choice is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2023 and, over the past ten years, a total of over £500,000 has been awarded to more than 150 projects working to reduce crime in their areas and to support the priorities in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. The Your Community, Your Choice fund supports grass-roots projects and is supported by the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales Police and Community Trust (PACT) and North Wales Police. The funding for Your Community, Your Choice comes partly from money seized by the courts through the Proceeds of Crime Act, with the rest from the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Girlguiding Anglesey is part of Girlguiding UK, a charity youth organisation dedicated entirely to girls and young women aged 4-18 years old. The Anglesey branch of the organisation meet in numerous locations across the island, carrying out activities with the aim of fostering independence and resilience in all members of the group. Girlguiding Anglesey has over 300 members and 90 adult volunteers.

During the visit, the PCC experienced the group’s summer solstice campfire meeting, had a tour of the site, learning along the way how the Your Community, Your Choice funding will be used. The group is using the money to replace the large storage doors in the centre, ensuring that the group’s equipment is safe and secure.

North Wales Police & Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin said: “I was pleased to see Girlguiding Anglesey receive funding from the Your Community, Your Choice fund. I believe that it is important to teach young people key skills in leadership and confidence to set them up with the best possible future.

“It was great to come along to their centre to meet the dedicated Girlguiding leaders and the young people who clearly have a big passion for the group’s activities and what they are learning.

The group is a prime example of a community initiative that match the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan of helping deliver safer neighbourhoods and supporting victims and communities in the way they give girls and young women an opportunity to express themselves and play a part in the wider society across Anglesey.”

Elaine Green, Girlguiding Anglesey County Commissioner (Lead Volunteer) stated: “Girlguiding helps girls and young women build skills and confidence through a wide variety of activities including enjoying the out of doors.

“Now that we are planning more adventures, we need easy access to our activity equipment. With this award, we will be able to replace the old wooden doors on our county store with a modern roller garage door. 

“The old doors were difficult to open, would swing shut on us in the wind, and gaps at the bottom allowed rodents to get in and make nests in our tents. We will now be able to store our equipment securely and access it easily before this summer’s camps and holidays.”

PACT Chairman Ashley Rogers said: “I recognise the value that Girlguiding Anglesey brings to the communities on the island and I’m pleased that we have been able help with funding for their future endeavours. Their commitment to teaching confidence and promoting inclusivity is truly inspiring and that is why I believe they are deserving winners of Your Community, Your Choice funding.”

North Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Chris Allsop stated: “I believe in investing in the next generation and I’m pleased to have been able to allocate funding to Girlguiding Anglesey to continue their work. The group bring many benefits to the community through empowering girls and young women by giving them unique opportunities in leadership and these factors align with the Force’s vision of building strong and safe communities.”

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