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PCC seeks recruits to join misconduct hearings


IPM and LQC job recruitment

The Police and Crime Commissioner is opening the recruitment window for several roles to sit on Police Misconduct Hearings in Wales. The positions available are as Legally Qualified Chairs and as Independent Panel Members. The application window for Legally Qualified Chairs is now open and the window for Independent Panel Members opens on 20 February 2023.

The Legally Qualified Chair will lead on gross misconduct hearings and once appointed will join an existing pool of legally qualified personnel who will be called upon by the Police and Crime Commissioner following a cab rank system.

Independent Panel Members are required to assist misconduct hearings in determining a fair and evidence-based judgment about a particular police officer’s conduct and in agreeing an appropriate sanction. 

One of the key roles of the Independent Panel Member is to reassure the local community that police misconduct matters are dealt with properly and are independently adjudicated. An Independent Panel Member considers evidence from witnesses, hears submissions from parties to the hearing and makes informed decisions as to the outcome. They must have the ability to challenge the other Panel members in a constructive but non-confrontational manner.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is looking to appoint up to 6 Legally Qualified Chairs and up to 24 Independent Panel Members. Both are paid roles, with expenses and travel covered by the Office. Applicants are invited to submit their applications by the date of 3 March 2023 for the Legally Qualified Chair role and 10 March 2023 for the Independent Panel Member role.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin stated: “I am pleased to see the launch of the campaign to recruit individuals to the key roles of Independent Panel Members and Legally Qualified Chairs across Wales.

“Both roles are integral to the role Police and Crime Commissioners play in representing the public in policing and ensuring that the Force is held to account and in making sure the public can have confidence in the police service.

“I strongly believe that this is an ideal role for individuals with the right skillset and interest to contribute to the efficiency of policing in our communities and in ensuring a fair and balanced process in misconduct hearings with an impartial voice.

“I’d urge anyone who has an interest in applying to get in touch or submit an application for consideration.”

For anybody interested in applying for either role, further details, including a person specification and application form, can be found here.