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PCC sees how Holywell project steers young people away from trouble



On Wednesday, July 17, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, Andy Dunbobbin, met representatives from Holywell Town Council at the town’s Leisure Centre to learn more about the success of their antisocial behaviour prevention project. The initiative, funded by the Your Community, Your Choice fund, has been making a positive impact on the local community for over a year.

Your Community, Your Choice supports grass-roots organisations across the region and is backed by the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales Police and Community Trust and North Wales Police. The funding for Your Community, Your Choice comes partly from money seized by the courts through the Proceeds of Crime Act, with the rest from the Police and Crime Commissioner. Over the eleven years since Your Community, Your Choice started, almost £600,000 has been awarded to nearly 200 projects working to reduce crime in their neighbourhoods and to support the priorities in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan.

The project in Holywell, which aims to steer young people away from crime, provides a safe space for youth to meet in an informal setting. It offers a variety of activities, including sports, arts and crafts, outdoor adventures, and community involvement, all designed in consultation with the young people themselves.

The project continues to evolve, working closely with key agencies, stakeholders, and volunteers to engage young people and build better relationships within the community.

The success of the initiative relies heavily on dedicated volunteers who develop and conduct the sessions, ensuring that the project meets the needs of hard-to-reach young people in the area.

During the visit, PCC Dunbobbin met Holywell Town Mayor Linda Corbett, Town Council Deputy Clerk Martin Fearnley as well as North Wales Police Area Inspector for Flintshire North Wesley Williams to discuss the project's progress and impact on the local community. Also present were other representatives from the project, including staff from Aura Leisure, the Vicar of Holywell and Greenfield, Father Dominic Cawdell and Reverand Andrea de Vaal Horciu, who ministers on the Holway estate.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin said: "I'm proud to see how this project has flourished over the past year in Holywell. By providing funding through the Your Community, Your Choice initiative, we've been able to support a programme that truly makes a difference in young people's lives and contributes to a safer community."

Mayor of Holywell Linda Corbett commented: “I would like to show my appreciation to all agencies involved with the project in the Your Community, Your Choice project. It has worked well within Holywell; for example, youth engagement has increased and ASB has been brought to an even lower level.”

Holywell Town Council Deputy Clerk Martin Fearnley stated: "We're extremely thankful for the funding received from the Your Community, Your Choice fund. This support has enabled us to create a programme that addresses the specific needs of our young people and helps build a stronger, more cohesive community."

PACT Chairman Ashley Rogers commented: "I am pleased we were able to support this project in Holywell. It demonstrates a real commitment to delivering a partnership approach to tackle crime and disorder. By focusing on those most at risk, we can help to create safer neighbourhoods and support communities in meaningful ways."

North Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Gareth Evans said:  "This project helps to prevent crime by engaging young people positively and shows how collaboration between the police and community organisations can lead to effective solutions for a number of challenges faced by communities across the country."

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