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PCC spends a day on the road with North Wales Police to highlight safety on the highway



North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin recently visited North Wales Police’s Traffic Base in Llandygai to meet officers in the Roads Policing Unit and to learn more about their work to keep residents across North Wales safe on the road. The visit has coincided with Brake’s Road Safety Week, which is running from 14-20 November.

Brake is a road safety charity, and Road Safety Week is its biggest road safety campaign. Every year, thousands of schools, organisations and communities get involved to share important road safety messages, remember people affected by road death and injury, and to raise funds to help Brake care for more road victims and campaign for safe roads for everyone.

As part of his visit to Llandygai, the Commissioner met with Medwyn Williams, Roads Policing Unit Sergeant and spent the day on patrol in Bangor and Caernarfon, learning more about how the Roads Policing Unit operates.

During the visit, Mr Dunbobbin heard Sergeant Williams’ insights into the work of the Unit, inspected the Unit’s fleet and heard how in-vehicle technology is paramount to roads policing operations. He then saw Sergeant Williams carry out roadside vehicle checks, as well as speed checks using a handheld camera.

Andy Dunbobbin said: “It was great to visit Llandygai and meet with Sergeant Williams. Improving road safety is a priority in my Police and Crime Plan, so the visit was a really interesting opportunity to see first-hand how the officers of North Wales Police and its Road Policing Unit are tackling crime on the roads and keeping us all safe.

“The visit was carried out in support of Brake’s Road Safety Week, a campaign which shares vital messages on how we all have a right to make safe journeys, and how deaths and injuries on our roads can be preventable.

“I know technology plays a part in modern policing and the fight against crime, so it was fascinating to see how devices inside the fleet’s vehicles are providing information and knowledge quickly and efficiently while officers are on the road.”

Sergeant Medwyn Williams said: “I would like to thank the Commissioner for coming to Llandygai and spending the day with the Roads Policing Unit. I believe demonstrating our work gave a real insight into how we operate. Mr Dunbobbin understands how pivotal road safety is in North Wales and I valued the chance to explain to him how we can further build on our work in making the region’s roads safer.

“The Commissioner also had the opportunity to see how we assist the public when they approach us with any concerns they may have. As we travel across North Wales during our shifts, having a visible presence goes a long way to keeping our communities safe.”

“North Wales Police have a robust strategy around enforcing the Fatal 5 offences – the 5 contributory factors in serious and fatal collisions which are speeding, drink and drug driving, dangerous driving including unnecessary risk taking, failing to wear a seatbelt, and using a mobile phone whilst driving.

“Reducing casualties on our roads remains one of our top priorities and all motorists must be aware that we are doing all we can to ensure our roads are used safely by all. Teams are out and about and will continue to take robust action against all those that commit Fatal 5 and any other road traffic offences on the roads.”