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PCC visits Holyhead to discuss work to fight crime in the area


On Monday, November 27, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Andy Dunbobbin and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC) Wayne Jones visited Holyhead, Anglesey to hear concerns around crime in the area and to discuss measures to support young people in the town.

The PCC and DPCC were joined on a walk around the town centre by Tref Cybi Councillor Jeff Evans of Anglesey County Council and Sergeant Iwan Jones of North Wales Police. The group gained an insight into projects aiming to combat anti-social behaviour in Anglesey’s largest town through working with the young people of Holyhead to create a safer and more secure environment for all.

Councillor Evans mentioned proposals he has formed for addressing anti-social behaviour in the town and providing further facilities for young people. These would in turn build on provision already available from Anglesey County Council for young people in Holyhead, such as universal youth clubs at the Jesse Hughes Senior Club, HIVE Café, and Clwb Cybi; provisions aimed at young women through work with a local Nail Bar; targeted activity in the evening, and a holiday programme to engage young people outside of term time.

After meeting at Holyhead Library on Stanley Street, the group visited several areas across the town centre to discuss local matters, such as shops in the town, St Cybi's Church and the surrounding area, Millennium Bridge, Victoria Road as well as the new toilet block and facilities in the town centre.

North Wales Police & Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin said: “I welcomed the opportunity to join Cllr Evans on a walkaround of Holyhead town. As the largest town on Anglesey, gaining even more of a personal insight into the current situation regarding policing and crime in the area is paramount.

“Delivering safer neighbourhoods, and supporting victims and communities are cornerstones of my Police and Crime Plan. As such, I am committed to working closely with communities and local authorities to ensure a safer area for all. I valued the conversations I had with the local councillors and Superintendent Davies during my time with them and will reflect on all we discussed.

Tref Cybi Councillor Jeff Evans commented: "I am so pleased that Andrew Dunbobbin, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner accepted an invitation to visit Holyhead and join us on a walkabout and to witness and understand issues as affect the town, its youth and the community.

“Many of the issues result from lack of suitable facilities and activities for youths, and it was pleasing to discuss with him a project and proposal for the potential provision of a youth facility; a project community driven with support of individuals, groups and organisations.

“Today was about highlighting various issues and difficulties, and to impress upon him the need for all, as could effect change, to do so. Together and in partnership we can put in place that which is required for a positive future. Let's do it!"

Click here to read the Police & Crime Commissioner's policing priorities for North Wales: