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PCC's comment on speed limits in Buckley


Andy Dunbobbin

“Following a law passed in the Welsh Parliament, speed limits on most restricted roads will reduce from 30mph to 20mph from September this year. The introduction of this rule has seen much discussion nationally and locally, both for and against. This is especially true in areas where the scheme has been piloted in advance of roll out more widely.

“Buckley was one of eight communities selected for the first phase of the national programme and, as such, 20mph speed limits were introduced in the town between July 2021 and May 2022. More recently, Flintshire County Council and Welsh Government arranged a consultation process, which took place with local residents in person, online and via a survey, to understand people’s opinions on the scheme. The final online consultation event took place yesterday (9 February) and responses will now be looked at and published later in March.

“While the Police and Crime Commissioner and North Wales Police have followed this process in an observational capacity, the setting of speed limits is the preserve of local authorities, or, in the case of trunk roads, the Welsh Government. The role of the PCC and North Wales Police throughout the pilot process, and following any change in speed limits more widely, is to enforce the law as it stands. We cannot comment on the merits or otherwise of a new law, but we are bound to act accordingly when decisions are made following due process.”