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PCC’s statement following David Carrick's guilty pleas


Following the recent guilty plea of former Metropolitan Police Officer David Carrick to a number of rapes and sexual offences, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin, has released the following statement:

My thoughts and sympathies go out to the victims and their families affected by the heinous crimes of a man who was entrusted to keep communities safe.  The victims have shown extraordinary strength and courage in reporting this offending to the police.

Every day across England and Wales, the vast majority of decent, hard-working police officers perform their duties with the utmost professionalism. I know that they will share my sadness and anger that a police officer could be responsible for such sickening crimes.

Carrick should never have been a police officer. It is vitally important that processes are in place to stop such people joining the police in the first place.  That is why my proposed budget for the next year (written before this case came to light) includes additional funding for the North Wales Police Vetting Unit.  This comes on the back of investment I authorised earlier this year that saw two additional police officers for the Professional Standards Department, to support the drive for the highest organisational standards.

As Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales it would be easy for me to dismiss this horrific incident as an issue in the Met.  I won’t do that.  That would be unfair on victims and survivors living in North Wales.  I am determined to deliver an effective and efficient police service for all of our communities. 

That is why I met with the Chief Constable earlier this week and discussed these matters at length.  I believe that the policies and processes in place in North Wales Police are effective in identifying officers and staff who do not uphold the standards expected of them.  However, I have asked for a report setting out in detail the scale of any challenge in North Wales Police.  When available, that report will be shared with the North Wales Police and Crime Panel.  The North Wales OPCC prides itself on being open and transparent.  I will therefore publish as much of the report as I can in the interests of transparency and public accountability but must be cognisant of any impending misconduct or criminal proceedings.

Public trust in policing is of vital importance. The British model of policing by consent simply cannot operate without that trust and confidence.  The Chief Constable and I are resolute in our determination to root out any police officer or member of staff who does not uphold the standards expected of them and they will be held to account.

I would also like to reassure all victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence that they can have confidence to report such matters either to North Wales Police or through the support agencies below.

RASASC - 01248 670628 or by email

Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111 or visit their website

Stepping Stones - 01978 352717 or 07814 358882 or by email: