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People of North Wales urged to have their say on policing



Policing in North Wales is something that matters to us all. That’s why from now until 27 September, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Andy Dunbobbin is asking local people to say what they think the priorities of North Wales Police should be for the next four years and how they want to see their neighbourhoods policed.

Andy Dunbobbin was re-elected in May 2024 and, as part his role, he has a duty to create a plan that sets priorities for North Wales Police to work to, to fight crime across the region. Other key aspects of being PCC include deciding the budget for the Police and holding the Chief Constable to account for the performance of the Force.

To be able to write his Police and Crime Plan, he wants to ensure he is listening to local people about how they want to see North Wales policed and that he is addressing any concerns they have. He is doing this through a survey to get their thoughts and responses. The feedback will be incorporated into the plan and will help shape future services and the allocation of resources by Police over the coming four years of his term of office.

Residents can fill in the survey via the following links:

In his manifesto prior to his election, the PCC declared that his key pledges for his time as PCC would be:

  • A local neighbourhood policing presence.
  • Supporting victims, communities and businesses.
  • A fair and effective criminal justice system.
  • A visible and responsible Police and Crime Commissioner.

Andy Dunbobbin commented: “The people of North Wales know what is best for them and their communities and this is no different when it comes to policing. They are the best judges on what the priorities for North Wales Police should be and where they think we should concentrate resources.

“That’s why I am urging people from all communities, backgrounds, ages and walks of life to have their say in my consultation on the Police and Crime Plan. This plan will help guide North Wales Police’s work for the next four years and so it’s important we get it right and reflect the wishes of the people.

“I was elected in May to be the voice of the people in policing in North Wales and the launch of this survey also comes very soon after the election of a new UK Government, with a new agenda for fighting crime. Therefore, now is the right time to consult with our communities and ensure we are all working together at every level to reduce crime, keep people safe and ensure harmony and co-operation in our communities. So, make sure you have your say!”

As well as being the voice of the people in policing, the PCC and his office also fund services that do valuable work within the community. For example, they help to support victims of crime and help offenders to reduce re-offending. They include services such as DASU, RASASC, and Gorwel that provide support to victims of domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, and Checkpoint Cymru, which aims to tackle underlying causes of offending behaviour such as mental health and substance misuse and to provide a credible alternative to prosecution. The PCC’s staff also scrutinise the work of the Police and commissioned services to make sure they are carrying out their work effectively, demonstrating value for money, and that they accord with rules.  

The PCC’s consultation and survey are fully bilingual in Welsh and English (as well as Easy Read), and print copies are available at libraries and police stations across North Wales. Residents can also email or write to request a copy to be sent to them. Representatives of the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner will also be at locations, county shows and community events across North Wales throughout the survey period to engage with people in person to complete the survey.

The consultation launches on 15 July 2024 and closes on the 27 September 2024
Residents can fill in the survey via the following links:

To receive a paper copy by post, contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in the following ways: 


Phone: 01492 805486
Post: Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner North Wales, Police Headquarters. Glan y Don, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8AW