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Police & Crime Commissioner attends premiere of County Lines film


film premiere

Maes-G ShowZone celebrated the culmination of their 2022 Film Project on Wednesday, 13 April in a movie premiere attended by North Wales Police & Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin as well as Inspector Arwel Hughes, Sergeant Kirsty Miller and officers from North Wales Police at Eglwys y Groes in Maesgeirchen, Bangor.

Funded by Mantell Gwynedd & Adra, the educational film focuses on the impact County Lines Drug Gangs can have on children, young people, and a community by following the story of a young woman who is befriended by a member of the gang.

After six weeks of filming their movie entitled ‘Girls Forsaken’ was released to the public.

MaesG ShowZone were supported by PCSO Liam Bibby and North Wales Police in creating this film that seeks to educate the members of the group and the wider community of some of the signs that County Lines Gangs may be operating in their area.

The members of MaesG ShowZone both starred in and filmed this movie, giving them the opportunity to control the process throughout and learn many skills that encompass the film creation process. The pride they took in this work was on full display at the event where they truly celebrated their hard work and achievement.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin, commented: “The film from Maes-G ShowZone is a very positive way of telling a very powerful and important story. County Lines networks have spread to many corners of our country in recent years and they represent a dangerous development for our young people and communities – one that North Wales Police is working hard to fight against.

“If we are to deter young people from getting involved in these networks, then a crucial way to do this is by having young people talk to their peers about what their own generation and community are experiencing. I’d like to congratulate the team at Maes-G Showzone, and the young people of Maesgeirchen, for their hard work and commitment to seeing their area thrive as a safer and more secure place away from the shadow of County Lines.”

Steffie Williams Roberts who runs MaesG ShowZone along with Eirian Williams Roberts & Naomi Crane said: “We couldn’t be prouder of what our young people have achieved with this film, in creating and telling an important story from the perspective of young people their age in such a powerful way.”

MaesG ShowZone is a community performing arts youth group which gives children and young people the opportunity to both perform and experience working in the industry from a backstage and technical standpoint with the aim of giving the members a more rounded experience as to the roles available in the arts. Maes-G ShowZone meet twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays and are currently taking membership requests for September 2023.

To watch the film visit: