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“I welcome the timely release of the National Framework for Policing Violence against Women and Girls. Recent tragic national events have rightly brought this subject to national prominence. This has generating a great deal of activity to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls, but there is still much more work to be done.”

 As outlined in my Police and Crime Plan, I am very clear on my priority to support victims, particular by tackling Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. I have witnessed the focus North Wales Police have put into this area and they continue to do so. This includes re-examining the standard of service to victims, regardless of the type of crime or when it happened. Furthermore, I am encouraged by the efforts the Chief Constable is making in focusing on internal culture to challenge any inappropriate behaviour in policing.”

Welsh Government have invested over £6.5 million in the last year, working with VAWDASV service providers. I will continue to support initiatives and seek funding opportunities as I recently have with the Safety of Woman at Night Campaign, where an additional £202,000 was secured to keep women and girls safe. As a Dad to a 19 year old daughter, I am delighted that we are leading the way on this initiative.  We are the first police force in Wales to be using this programme.  Our drive and determination to prevent spiking and sexual assaults is unrepented.”

I will ensure North Wales Police continue to work effectively with partners to deliver an even better service to make people feel safe and have confidence in their police force. I will also continue to work with Criminal Justice Partners to deliver a fair and effective Criminal Justice System.”

 Read the full report here
